he makes me happy

Hot Rod is silly. Its innocent. Refreshing. Yet some of the time, you knew this movie was written for Will Farrel. I am so glad he didn't star in this movie. Andy owns this picture when he does his dance number in the forest. It was so hilarious. Honestly, lots of fun dance moments in this movie. I loved his silly friends. I'm glad they kept it fresh inspite of perhaps and old script.

You'd think you'd came across the wacky neighbors from the Brady Bunch. Yet there is something real about the house the story takes place in..and its surrounding. Like the heart of America should be. And what I noticed was even more amazing..someone named Pam Brady wrote this movie.

Now of course, there were times I would have really loved to have seen his butt...since he has such a cool one. Instead, Andy makes an ass of himself from time to time yet remains his wonderful self.

Yeah, I'd buy this movie on DVD.

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