my new obsession

There is just something about Tyler Grady on American Idol. He's from Nazareth, Pennsylvania and he's making his mark on National TV as the next Jim Morrison, I suppose. But if you look a little bit more closely, there is a bit of John Mayer in him too. Although, as of late, John Mayer has gotten a bit cocky.

True, Tyler's got the swagger and perhaps a bit of a throw back of the 70's, but there is definitely a rocker in him and hopefully American Idol won't hinder him from being his true self.

He sings lead vocals for the band Wailing Waters. I don't know what they'll do with out him. Sort of like Jamie Campbell Bower's band, The Darling Buds. I don't know why, but there is something about Tyler that makes me think he probably stays as true to his band as Bower has a knack of wanting to be there for his too. And I think they would consider themselves just one of the guys in the band.

The group started way back in 8th-grade. They performed in a talent show way back then. Thus began Wailing Waters. And now Tyler Grady has gotten to the Top 24 of American Idol.

P.S SINCE I WROTE THIS, TYLER WAS CUT FROM AMERICAN IDOL. Thats OK..Honestly, I think American Idol would have hurt him in the long run by wanting to change him. I'm glad he's got the opportunity to stay with Wailing Waters..perhaps this will give them just what they need come summer to hook up on other band tours I hope. GO TYLER. Don't look back. American Idol isn't always what its cracked up to be. I love my indie bands and I think thats where he needs to be. And if all else ...well, this guy should really be in a Gap Commercial or something.

Crazy heart

I dunno. This film was produced by some people who believed in it. The story is character driven. Its got critical acclaimed stuff, going for it. Yet, I didn't hate it. It was just not quite what I had hoped for. Its a story about an old country blues singer on the comeback trail. Possibly.

Jeff Bridges is an amazing actor. Honestly, if this had been written by Larry McMurtry it might have had a different outcome.

A. he would have found out he'd slept  with his daughter.
B. his son would  have actually shown up and he'd be somebody really interesting like Jeremy London or Justin Temberlake.

As it was, Bad Blake was just a drunk who finally wrote some songs. I don't think this was a stretch for Bridges. Yes, he sang. But I'm beginning to wonder if anyone can be a country singer.

I don't mean to be a downer about the movie. I didn't hate it. Yet, I felt it just didn't match up to the hype, either.


OK, Johnny Weir might be a weirdo to some. Possibly, a few don't want him a part of the men's figure skating team here in the states. But, hey, he's my favorite. I don't know what it is. Maybe it the outfits he designs for himself or even others. Or that passion that just goes POW on ice. Anyway, here's me rooting for him while others might want that all American type, whats his bring home the gold. I'm for the underdog. Naturally.

I'd rather be watching Johnny, even in feathers or fur.

There is just something slightly Lou Taylor Pucci about him. Maybe that's it. And Lou was just a kid who got on Broadway from New Jersey, to spend his pre-teen years being in the Sound of Music. Now, he's a scene stealer when ever possible from Fast Food Nation to indie fame, The Go-Getter. But really, he's just a guy who wants to grow a beard, I suppose. And he can grow one. Even if it might not match his hair color... And..yes, there's more, perhaps write something some day that we'll see either in film or play.

Is there a connection? Probably not.

Johnny might be a bigger part than he knows at the games to break the barriers out there. Just being himself.

And well, I'm sure Lou wants to be himself too.

But, man, they really look like they could be brothers.

Happy valentines!



1. it snowed.
2. we watched I LOVE YOU, NEW YORK. Possibly, not as awesome as Paris, I love you that threw everything in from vampires to funky conversations about jazz. But some delightful moments. I wish they could have shown some more awesome places of the city. But Shia Labuff did an excellent performance. Although, I loved the prom & wheel chair story best. Oh, and that wonderful dialogue of Ethan Hawk.
3. My foster Mom gave us awesome wine that we'll crack open tonight.
4. And we visted a friend of mine to see her 2 new kittens.
5. We got Valentine cookies!

going out

Drex looked quite lost to Leon when he found him in the lobby. He didn't actually look like he needed to go out in that silly T of his with the CPR instructions on it. And he looked as if he just got out of bed with that messy hair of his. Yet there was something delightful in his look. Leon knew he wanted to see him. After all, he was suppose to be Cher's boyfriend. But Leon's roommate wasn't here. She didn't seem to have time for Leon nor Drex these days. Always a busy-body for that best friend of her's Lux. The one who had the real money. The one who was untouchable. Yet, he had to wonder if Cher was in complete touch with Lux, these days. Off shopping or studying something. Well, Leon didn't care anymore.

He'd check this Drex out, and maybe he'd tell this artsy fartsy rich kid where he could go. Because there was a new sherrif in town, and his name was Leon and well, he'd already slept a time or two with Drex's girl.

It was suppose to go that way. But then Leon stood there looking a Drex. Nothing at all like he imagined.

"Have you been ill, my friend?" Leon put his arm around his shoulder to guide him toward the club they were going to, a few blocks away.

"Just tired, I guess." Drex sighed. Only Leon was sure it was more than just college. The figure drawing class and the art history that had him tied in knots. He didn't seem quite right.

"Are you sure that's it?" Leon studied him there under the streetlight on the jaunt to the club.

"I guess." Leon didn't think he seemed so sure. He'd been keeping to himself or so he told Leon.

"Everyone seems to have someone, but me." Drex finally confessed.

"But you have Cher," Leon smiled even if he had kept her a bit occupied at night with the pot and philsophical thinking that turned into perhaps more sex play. He squinted then, thinking of her, as they found the place, that was dark but moody with jazz. They found themselves a cozy booth to sit in.

Leon then bought them a bottle of red wine to share. There was good hearty jazz to listen too and of course, cigarettes.

"You don't smoke?" Leon told him he should. How was he ever going to cheer the dude up. "Well, at least drink some wine, then." Leon smiled as if he was going to be his best bud.

Drex hesitated, but Leon kept smiling and sipping his wine. He spoke of legends in the jazz world. Armstrong. The Duke. Ella. Les Paul. Wes Montgomery. Just for starters.They talked about music for a good long while. Drex began to sip at the wine until his glass was empty. Leon filled it up again and sat next to him as they continued to discuss their love of jazz.

Suddenly, Drex was pouring his soul out about being in his brother' shadow. How uneasy he felt about being his flesh and blood. He just couldn't compete with him. His brother was the first in everything from football to debate. And girls. His brother always had the girls. "More than one, you know. Like ladies man status." Drex winced as if it disgusted him.

"I'm not like him at all," Drex said quiet sadly.

"Of course you're not." Leon put his arm around Drex as he listened to him more. Drex just wouldn't seem to shut up about his brother. Leon wanted to stop talking as he looked into Drex's eyes, but Drex kept talking about the one person he envied the most. His brother.

Leon's lips slightly twitched at the corners. Drex couldn't help but smile back. Was he funny, thought Drex as he stared back at Leon. Perhaps they were just too close. Maybe it was the thought that he really didn't want to be anymore alone tonight than Leon did.


He kissed Drex.

Drex's lips were so inviting, yet innocent. Leon couldn't let it go with one kiss. Now could he?

He saw that Drex's eyes were closed. Leon just smiled wondering if Drex had ever kissed anyone before.

Well, Leon didn't want to tell him he was the worst at it because he wasn't. Only it could be better. He'd just have to teach him.

"Lets go some place," Leon suggested, looking around wondering if anyone even cared if they made out here. But he sensed Drex was worried. Possibly shocked. Only, he wasn't furious. Leon bit his bottom lip.

"I can't." Drex shook his head, no. "I can't go home." As if that would not do.

"Did I say that?" Leon had no intentions of wanting to go home with Drex. That cracked him up, but he tried not to let it show. No, this was just something between the two of them, wasn't it?

"I don't think we should go back to your place, either." Drex looked back at him dizzily. Cher might be there. That would be awkward, to say the least.

"Of course, not." Leon sighed with his fingers in Drex's messy hair. He kissed him once more as if this might be the deal breaker. Leon was pretty sure he'd get his wish. Perhaps they needed to wake up first. He didn't want this to be just alchol talking.

"Look, I'll get the room," Leon suggested there at the coffee shop. No, it wasn't Starbucks and the hotel across the street wasn't a seedy run down shit hole, either. It would be cool. OK, so maybe it wasn't a posh resort, either. But who needed something like that. Just a room.

There was a rush of excitement pulsing through Leon's veins. It had been ages since he'd done something like this out of the blue. OK, just being with Drex was out of the blue. But it was their secret.

A secret. No, they wouldn't walk in together and ask for anything. They weren't a couple. Not yet. Maybe. All right, it was possible. No, no Leon wasn't really into coupling, now was he? It was just going to be for the night which was wearing on. It was quite late after they got out of the jazz club.

The kissing lingered lingered, giving leon time to think.

"You stay here, I'll give you a call. It'll be just fine." Leon shrugged. Thinking, having some time to their selves was just what they needed.

Drex just nodded. He might as well have been a rock that wouldn't move. Of course, Leon was pretty sure he'd have to come back for him, after all said and done. He didn't see him bailing exactly, yet he didn't see him walking across the street alone, either.

He could tell he was scared.

"What? You don't want this now?" Leon didn't need to be a salesman about it. The truth of the matter, couldn't anyone. Anyone. Be there for him. For a change. He couldn't count on Cher. He wasn't a rich kid with nice pools. He was Leon who made a living at online poker and hacking into the Uni to make the grade. He wasn't a criminal, completely.

He thought Drex might break into a convulsion of some kind. He might as well have been helpless by the way he went into a slight panic attack with the breathing.

Leon grabbed both sides of Drex's face then and gave him a longing kiss. "I'll be back for you. I will." He stared him right in the eye then. "Promise, you'll be here?"

"uh, huh." was all he could get out of Drex.

Leon turned then to go. He closed his eyes, almost thinking this was some sort of drug instead. Not this. Not this chance. Not this possibiltiy that maybe. Maybe this was what he really wanted. Couldn't be real, now could it?

OK, getting the room was simple. It was on the third floor. Leon had the credit card key. He slid it in and looked around the room. It was stuffy. He turned on the air. It might help things to have a chill in the room. Perhaps.

He bit his bottom lip, wondering just how hot it could get in here.

A part of him thought about some ice. Maybe some wine. No, he didn't think so. That would take time, and it wasn't really on his side.

No,he had to get back to Drex. Find him before it was too late.

Yes, he was on top of his game. Possibly, not the most well planned, but still truly spontantious. Wasn't it? He liked that. He liked floating into something. It didn't always matter exactly who. No, this was certainly getting him over the Cher moments. Maybe that was just an accident, anyway.

Why was it so important to have the need to be wanted. Well, in a good way. Didn't want the law after him. He just needed something satisfying. Was that too much to ask for? He didn't ask for that much did he? He wasn't pushy. Really, he wasn't. He just needed to be needed.

And that was Drex. Drex needed him. He could feel it as he walked back across that street as if he knew where exactly the morning would take him. It was going to be electrifying.

But when he got there, Drex was no where in sight.

Leon felt himself shaking. He thought he might crumble right there where he'd left Drex. Leon's chest began to ache. Drex's coffee was still warm. Leon took a sip of it as if he needed something to settle him down. He so wanted to throw the cup through the glass window as he looked back at the hotel across the street. It wasn't going to happen. After all.

He sat down then. He supposed he didn't mean much to anyone.

Leon was tempted to call Drex on his cell. Best as well, not too. He didn't want to rush, now did he. He didn't want it to end. But it had. He couldn't change that.

Leon supposed he'd just have to keep himself company. He supposed he could find someone to pay for, but really, he didn't like paying for it, especially, when he thought deep down, maybe they should be paying him.

He didn't do that anymore.

Not for a while, anyway. Usually, it was old cows and who needed an escort for the most part. True, he'd made some quick cash that way. Nice little stash, indeed, to help him with other stashes. It was all, all right. Didn't really have to do that much for the most part. But it could get disgusting. And he wasn't in dire need to do it, anymore. He was pretty much forgotten. He guessed. Leon wanted to keep it that way. Especially, in that circle.

At least he hadn't been that desperate in a long while.

He got up then. It looked like he'd be sleeping alone in a hotel room. Maybe that was the best thing for him. Get some real sleep. Think this thing through. He wouldn't call Drex ever again. Guess they could be complete strangers. That was nothing new.

"Hey," Someone touched his shoulder. "Sorry, I was in the bathroom." Drex almost smiled.

"I see." Leon looked him over, trying to deciper if perhaps Drex had changed his mind, but he hadn't.

"I got nervous. And when I get nervous. Then I have to go pee." Drex told him.

Leon supposed it would have to be something simple like that.

"Ready?" Leon eyed him as if this was it. It was gonna happen. Tonight. Or maybe this morning.

Drex nodded laying down a twenty for a tip.

Never pick sides
Never choose between two
But I just wanted you
-vampire weekend

"I never really liked her, exactly." Drex started in about how he felt about Cher. "I mean, she's OK, to talk to too, sometimes." He shook his head, no.

As if thats all Leon wanted to hear, back at the room.

"That's all right. Nobody said you had to fuck her." Leon shrugged.

"But you'd at least want too, right if it was-" Drex fidgeted.

"Don't give her a second thought, all right." Leon grinned pulling Drex's t-shirt over his head. "Just relax."

"I've-I've never-" Drex squinted as if he didn't want anyone seeing his bare chest.

"Really?" Leon so wanted to laugh but he didn't. He took off his t-shirt too. "You mean, its not a new hobby you've picked up, just recently?"

"No." Drex's voice cracked.

"So, do you want me?" Leon lit a cigarette then and took a puff.

"Well." Drex bit his bottom lip.

"Maybe, you'd just.... want to sketch me, if you'd like. If that would make you feel, um, lets says, better about everything." Leon shrugged.

"I- I guess I could." Drex finally sat down on the bed.

Leon handed Drex the cigarette to smoke while he undressed.

Of course, Drex went into a coughing fit. It might have been the smoke or the sight of seeing Leon unscathed and remarkably comfortable in his own skin.

"What, you didn't think you had that capability?" Leon slightly smirked as he got his jeans back on.

"I-I, uh." He coughed a bit more handing back the cigarette to Leon who then took another drag and put it out.

"Come on, lets just kiss." Leon smiled as he stood close, half undressed, close to Drex, ever so carefully near. Drex exposed a smile. Soon enough, Drex kissed him.

This was definitely not the time, Leon could tell him that he'd kissed his so-called girlfriend and then some. No, he'd never speak of Cher. He could definitely do without her. But Drex, now that was different. He could never know Cher quite like he knew Drex. And he wanted to know him. Every bit of him. His smile on his skin. His laugh next to him.

It was true, Leon knew he was just a player. Always had been because he had to be. There was no other way he could have had these kind of friends, the rich ones, who left him anyway in the end. No, as he wrapped himself  around Drex, there on the bed, he knew he wanted to be there in the morning. And the day after. Oh, and the day after that. They had all the time in the world to get lost in each other.

Do you wanna get your Greek on?

Or just Mythology?

OK. It worked. Rick Riordan, who's been a mystery writer for years, possibly hit gold when he started the juvenile series of Percy Jackson. After all, he's a middle school teacher who knows a bit about juvenile stuff. And throw in some mythology that you'd love to know and now Percy Jackson and  the Olympians: The Lightning Thief has arrived. Well, add your main ingredient, up and coming child actor to teen sensation without having to be in a Miley Cyrus movie -Logan Lerman(rumor is he could be the next Spiderman) with kick ass princess Alexandra Daddario and well, you got a duo on the hunt for a real mystery. Who stole Zeus' lightening bolt?

All this time Percy (Lerman) thinks he's got loser quality. He's got ADD & dyslexia. Come to find out, his Dad's a god who he never met. Posideon played by Kevin McKidd. But it's Steve Coogan's Haides that steals the moments as well as Uma Thurman as the ultimate Medusa. Its a fun ride and Brandon T. Jackson rounds out the trio as the quest begins to save Percy's Mom - none other that the Mom of all moms lately, Katherine Keener from evil Haides. Aside from all the Daddy issues going around at camp where Percy meets Annabeth.

What I liked about the, there's some clever dialogue, for sure. Lots of action and really some cool effects. Its a very likable film. And hopefully, more will be looking for Logan Lerman to take them through many popcorn movies. He's not just an adorable teen. He's really quite good with emotion. It took me a bit to warm up to Annabeth (Daddario) but I think she'll possibly be in so many transitions when it comes to movies. I'm sure she won't be in many more PG movies. She's got that look that she could be one to reckon with. Perhaps no Harry Potter's  Hermione Granger yet a bit more Ginny Weasley caliber, me thinks. Add a little Zena and well, you got someone who has definitely met anyone's match.

Also, great to see Pierce Bronson strutting around with a horse's he put it. Yes, his character had some of the better lines. People clapped at the end. It was a packed house.

another skin - a SKINS fan fiction

Well,  like my friend needed to write anymore fan fic. But she did. She started yet another fan fiction blog. I tell you, its like a disease. She feels no one likes her stories maybe they'd read a fan fic. The problem is. What to write? She decided to go with 2nd generation on Skins with Effy & Freddie and the gang. But she told me she might need help from the 1st generation, as Tony & Sid. Possibly Dev and well, maybe even Cassie too. So its hard to say where this might be going. She hasn't watched the new shows yet, so this is her idea of what might happen or what she wishes would happen on the show. So I said I'd mention it. And I am. She's helped me with Maxxie and Tony. So I hope she has a little fun with Another Skin.

unique things of fashion

unique things of fashion

Most expensive cities to live in th World

Ever wondered what are the most expensive places in the world to live? Everyone knows that it costs more to live in some places than others, but just what is the most expensive city in the world to live in. This is a list of the 10 cities in the world where it is most expensive to live in early 2009 as defined by the Economist, although this will most likely change in line with regional economic changes and currency fluctuations.

10. Singapore

(Singapore Central Business District. Produced by Someformofhuman and published under GNU Free Documentation Licence.)Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

Singapore is both a city and country located in south east Asia. The city of just under 5 million people takes up the majority of the country of 710km2, leading to an extremely high population density of almost 7000 people per km2. It is located on a small island, which lies in one of the busiest waterways in the world which connects east Asia with south Asia, Africa and Europe. The city first started to grow to prominence under European rule because of it's high strategic importance and the city has continued to grow in stature since independence. The city has an extremely strong economy based it's business friendly policies leading to many international corporations having a base here. There is also a thriving high-tech manufacturing part to the economy, and the Port of Singapore is one of the world's busiest ports, particularly in the transhipment of goods. This thriving economy combined with lack of space for expansion leads to Singapore being the tenth most expensive city in the world to live.

9. Geneva

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

Geneva is a city nestled between Lake Geneva and The Alps in Switzerland. Although most of the city is in Switzerland, due to the high cost of living in the city proper many people commute in from nearby France. Geneva is famous for being the location where the Geneva Conventions were signed, which govern the handling of prisoners of war. Geneva is also home to the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and many United Nations departments are also based here. In addition to being a major city in humanitarian terms, Geneva is also the 6th most important financial centre in the world. All of these factors, along with the fantastic location alongside Lake Geneva and a policy to preserve the city, leads to it having the ninth highest cost of living worldwide.

8. Frankfurt

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

Frankfurt is joint seventh most expensive city to live in along with Helsinki. Frankfurt is a city in Germany, and is located on the Main River, which leads to it's full name Frankfurt am Main. When Germany was divided, it was located in west Germany, and so with berlin isolated became the economic powerhouse of west Germany, and upon re-unification it retained this position. It is the largest financial centre of mainland Europe, and both the European and German central banks are located here, as well as the Frankfurt stock exchange which is one of the biggest in the world. All of this wealth leads to Frankfurt being the joint seventh most expensive city in the world to live in.

7. Helsinki

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

In terms of the cost of living, Helsinki is joint seventh most expensive along with Frankfurt. Helsinki is the capital city of Finland, and is located in the far south of the country next to the Gulf of Finland. Despite being at the south of Finland, it is still a very northerly city and so can get very cold in the winter. Helsinki is the economic centre of the Finnish economy, and this partly explains the high cost of living. Helsinki has traditionally had a large shipbuilding industry and this continues to this day, although there are now also more hi-tech industries such as Nokia which is located just outside the city. Along with other Scandinavian countries, Finland has a relatively high tax rate, and this combined with the large amount of wealth generated is probably what results in Helsinki having the joint seventh highest cost of living in the world.

6. Zurich

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

Located in Switzerland, Zurich comes sixth on the list of most expensive cities in the world by living costs. Zurich is to Switzerland like New York is to the USA, it is the commercial capital of the country but not the political one. Zurich is home to many top educational institutions, and this helps ensure that the top minds in Switzerland and further afield come to live in Zurich, and it is likely that many of these will spend at least some of their working lives here. A large proportion of the Swiss economy is based on financial services, and many multinational companies such as UBS, Zurich Financial Services and Credit Suisse are based here. In addition, the population of Zurich is very diverse, and this potentially explains why many international companies, such as IBM, Google and Microsoft have facilities here. All of these factors mean that Zurich has a very strong economy, and this results in the 6th highest cost of living worldwide.

5. Oslo

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

The city in the world with the fifth highest cost of living is the Norwegian capital city of Oslo. Oslo is Norway's biggest city, both economically and by population. Norway is one of the most developed countries in the world, with a large income from a variety of sources. These include the large offshore oil and gas reserves, maritime engineering and insurance and tourism. Norway has one of the highest average wages for a country in the world, and Oslo has an average even higher than this national average. Due to the high average wage, linked to the fact that many basic commodities such as many foodstuffs are imported, leads to an extremely high cost of living. This is further exaggerated by the very high Norwegian tax rate. Finally there is large public opposition to both the development of the city itself with high-rise buildings and the surrounding areas, resulting in space becoming at a premium. All of these factors combine to make Oslo the fifth most expensive city in the world in which to live.

4. Copenhagen

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

Copenhagen is the fourth most expensive city in the world in which to live. Like Helsinki and Oslo which also appear in the top 10 most expensive cities in terms of cost of living, it too is the capital city of a Scandinavian country. In Copenhagen's case the country is Denmark, and like both Oslo and Helsinki, it is not only the political capital city but the dominant city in the country economically and culturally as well. Copenhagen is the location for many international head and regional offices, such as Maersk which has head offices in Copenhagen and Microsoft, for which Copenhagen provides the regional headquarters. Recently Copenhagen, and Denmark as a whole has seen massive growth, both domestically and internationally. For example, the largest wind turbine manufacturer, Vestas, is a Danish company. All of these factors combined lead to Copenhagen having an extremely strong economy, with the corresponding high wages, which results in it being in fourth position on the list of most expensive cities in terms of cost of living.

3. Paris

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

Paris is the capital city of France, and comes in third on the list of most expensive cities in the world. The city of Paris is a rather compact area, although the metropolitan area is much larger and includes many satellite towns. The central area of Paris, and the area with which this cost of living list deals with, refers solely to the city of Paris. Paris is famous for tourism, and whilst this generates a large amount of money for the local economy, it does lead to demands for less development of the older parts of the city. As such this leads to less modern space for both commerce and residences than many other cities, and this pushes up the cost of living. Another factor in the high cost of living is the strong economy of the Paris region, and therefore high average wage. Major industries in Paris include the previously mentioned tourism, as well as finance and high-tech manufacturing. All of these factors combine to give the city of Paris the third highest cost of living worldwide.

2. Osaka-Kobe

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

The second highest cost of living is for two linked cities in Japan - Osaka and Kobe. As with many Japanese cities, both of these have an extremely high population density, which leads to expensive housing and other costs. Both cities are very large with populations in excess of 1 million. In each city there are a number of different industries, with many large multinational companies having their headquarters in the respective cities. Examples of these include Mitsubishi, Mizuno, Panasonic, Sanyo and Sharp. There is also a relatively large financial industry in both cities, leading to high wages. The high cost of land, as well as high wages, combine to make the Osaka-Kobe region the second most expensive region in the world in which to live.

1. Tokyo

Most Expensive Cities, Travel, Worldwide, Expensive,10 Most Expensive Cities In The World,travel,high average wage, top 10 most expensive cities in the world, most expensive city in which to live, expensive cities in world,cost of living,world's most expensive city,high cost living, expensive, world most expensive city to live in, worlds most expensive cities,expensive cities

The Japanese capital city of Tokyo comes first on the list of most expensive cities to live in. In addition to being the top of the list of cities with the highest living costs, it is also the centre of the world's largest metropolitan area by both population and economy. This is probably what makes it the most expensive city in the world in which to live. The Tokyo stock exchange is one of the world's largest, and is the largest one in Japan. Many international companies are based in Tokyo, and yet more have regional offices in the city which leads to a lot of highly paid jobs. In addition, the large size of the population leads to massive demand for space, and this is further exacerbated by the fact that Tokyo is surrounded by the Bay of Tokyo and a lot of steep hills and mountains. All of these factors combine to make Tokyo the most expensive city in the world in which to live.

just a lovely mess

We went out for German food last night with the extended family. I got to see Jonah, who's still at home. I haven't seen him in what seems forever. We hardly talk anymore. He's like a brother to me. Actually, I'd alwaqys felt closer to him, than my actual brother. Naturally, he was his quiet self. I really wish I knew how he was doing but, I doubt I'll ever know. And that bothers me, sometimes.

We went to the beer garden without a liquer license..thus no beer. Which was fine with me. It was so heavy with snitzle and spitzle and what not. I mainly ate mashed potatoes. Clive had sour something and bratz. He only ate one. Of course, in the end .. was the question.."Who wants Clive's weiner..." ahahahahhhaa..not so funny. I can only take so much of my foster Mom's boyfriend. I don't think he'll ever grow up.

Then we went home. I'd been on my feet all day. So we decided to go to bed really early. I stayed up and cracked open a new read I got from the library. The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard.

As I was reading it, Love Games came to mind that I'd watched on Degrassi over the weekend with "Declan". I could see him as the main character in the story. But in this story, he was the guy from the other side of the river seeing the rich girl. Naturally, a tragic premise. Julia died in a car crash and no one ever knew of their 'secret'..except her brother found out in a notebook she kept, and he gives it to Colt. So we get to see how the whole relationship came about, and he gets his driver's license and so on, trying to move on. Most anyone would have this read in one sitting. I'm half way through it. Its interesting. Although, I think the main character should wake up and know the importance of really being there for the other person. And wanting to be OK about everyone knowing that she was important to him. I like the main character. Of course, not sure I like Julia that much. I do love character driven stories. And in most of my stories, its the characters that are the most importance to the story. It makes me think a bit of something my friend Ellie had been writing in the beginning of her story with this character Kyle...who almost starts a relationship with the main character. It was funny, how some people hated his character, and others found him quite interesting. He was younger than the main character and rather flawed..perhaps a lot more flawed than either of these characters in the Secret Year. But Colt is younger than Julia.

I try to think back on some of my favorite characters in books. Naturally Holden from Catcher in the Rye. But I love Ponyboy and Johnny from The Outsiders  even more. Yet I so loved Wesley from Walk Across Egypt. Have you ever read a book and were afraid to finish it because you just didn't want it to be over? I felt that with Vast Fields of the Ordinary. I hated the ending. It just fizzled. Anyway, I'm sure I should read more, but I'd rather write. Unfortunately or fortunately. But, sometimes, I just can't help myself.

I did read rumor over the weekend of all the stuff coming up in Degrassi..or what the fans want to happen. Looks like Peter's character is on the brink of destruction. Yet another 'stalker' comes to Degrassi. ( I so loved Ephram Ellis even if he was the Degrassi shooter) This time  haunting Johnny(who almost could have stepped out of The outsiders, I suppose) and Ali since Johnny supposedly knew who stabbed TJ. I don't think he did it. Looks like Anya will mess up things with her boyfriend. And Alex House will be back as Tim to perhaps be Riley's new boyfriend at college. That's what fans are hoping for. As it was with Love Games episode, it started off kind of cute and Declan being such a romantic (in reality, this would have scared me and I would have thought he was just psycho). Anyway, he and Holly J hook up, but run into troubles with his Mom and some mentorship or something she's after. Then it was like his Mom was in control of his whole life. Which was kind of freaky. Like what is going on with these rich people? Although, it was a little unnerving..their scene behind the curtain during this school function going on. I'd never..OK, I made out in the auditorium once during lunch, but it was very dark in there..and it became an I'd never moment when I found out..we were not alone in the pitch black auditorium..other couples were there too. I know how could anyone be as nieve as me.

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lets get LOST

OK..after listening to various co-workers on the subject of is my so-called review. I watched too.

Well..I was elated and disappointed in the same moment.

I was so in hopes Juliet would pull through..actually, end up on the other side of the earth I was thinking..but you know, that's just me. You know, on a beach somewhere sipping something intoxicating.

I get the flash something another.."what if" the plane had landed without the crash..but Desmond on the fligh..hum..and where's Boone's sister.and of anyone who's grown from this show its Ian Summer-something another who's now Damien on Vampire Diaries. I kept thinking..OH NO there's a vampire on the flight..hahaaa...silly me.

I don't like those temple people..but what a line that guy said about not liking the taste of english on his tongue..PRICELESS...& of course, Syed if they could just get Juliet in that dirty spring water..she might have a chance too.

I also heard that Michael will be back, but not his son. That actor is like 17 or 18 now and it would just be impossible to cast a new kid for that role.

Anyway, I'm ready for the next episode.

One co-worker feels at the end..Sawyer & Jack will be come the "Men" of the island. I have no idea what that means. As usual..I get lost in LOST.

how to kill a chicken

Granted, if we had a real chicken, I'm sure Clive would keep her in the bedroom, and it would just be for eggs. Yeah, he's that kind of guy.

He also likes to cook which is a very good thing since I'm not much of one.

We eat a lot tacos. Before that, a lot burgers. He used to fry burgers at Dairy Queen so his burgers are amazing. I guess you can see a ground meat thing is going here. So, about the chicken.

Well, I had thawed out 3 skinless chicken breast about 2 weeks ago. About. Anyway, a week ago Clive made the best chicken curry, ever. And, he's never made it before. But he only used 2 chicken breast in the packets. So one was left in the fridge. And well, I cut open the packet and touched it. I don't like touching meat. Anyway, it was not slimmy, and I hated to throw it away because the trash pick up wouldn't come for days. And I could see some stray animal coming by and messing up our garbage, everywhere. Or the stinch. Something, to that nature. So I decided to boil it. Then see, if it smelled OK. Naturally, I had a hankering for writing on my laptop. Clive went to do a manly thing, like chip ice on the driveway where we park our car.

Guess what? Yeah, I burned it. I could smell that it wasn't burning..but you know, really cooked, but by the time I got there the pot was black and just one side of the chicken was black. I decided to save it. I shaved off the black stuff after it cooled and made chicken salad. Just for one sandwich I'm afraid. Well, Clive wasn't going to eat it.

He says, "I knew you'd do that. You always do this." Sorry.

Really, when you find someone, you have to find someone who gonna put up with your strange ways. Thankfully, Clive doesn't watch TV in his undies like my Dad. My Dad wears jockies. He wears briefs. And yes, we do live in our flannel pants this winter. Some weekend, we can't think of wearing anything else.

I dunno. I'm glad he can put up with me. I'll try not to burn so many foods. I'm trying to be more careful, and not as wasteful.

One of my favorite things this season. When it gets messy out, this is just what I need even on those cold days. I stay dry in them better than my snow boots.  & they are cute. Actually, they are kids size from Target.


OK so you got to see Joseph Gordon Levitts strut his stuff in 500 Days of Summer. Well, maybe you haven't seen nothing yet until you see him in Hesher.

You see, there is this little thing call Indie and well, Levitts always feels a need to give it a try and its paid off with fine performances in Secret Skin, Brick and even The Lookout. To name a few. So I'm sure when he saw this sort of character, he was ready to eat it up. And he did.

Its a story of a boy (Brendan Hill) who loses his mother, and with his father in deep grief (Rainn Wilson).....
He meets up with Joseph Gordon Levitts' Hesher. A misfit of sorts, perhaps Jesus with a doobie or two as my friend put it, or some might say he's the devil. And he comes to change things for the whole family. Throw in Natalie Portman as a grocery store clerk, and you might not have love exactly, but at least intense moments.

As reviews go. Its said to fizzle with the rest of the cast, but Levitts puts the sizzle in this flick. So if you haven't had enough of JGL as of late, here it comes in theaters soon. Hesher.

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