just a lovely mess

We went out for German food last night with the extended family. I got to see Jonah, who's still at home. I haven't seen him in what seems forever. We hardly talk anymore. He's like a brother to me. Actually, I'd alwaqys felt closer to him, than my actual brother. Naturally, he was his quiet self. I really wish I knew how he was doing but, I doubt I'll ever know. And that bothers me, sometimes.

We went to the beer garden without a liquer license..thus no beer. Which was fine with me. It was so heavy with snitzle and spitzle and what not. I mainly ate mashed potatoes. Clive had sour something and bratz. He only ate one. Of course, in the end .. was the question.."Who wants Clive's weiner..." ahahahahhhaa..not so funny. I can only take so much of my foster Mom's boyfriend. I don't think he'll ever grow up.

Then we went home. I'd been on my feet all day. So we decided to go to bed really early. I stayed up and cracked open a new read I got from the library. The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard.

As I was reading it, Love Games came to mind that I'd watched on Degrassi over the weekend with "Declan". I could see him as the main character in the story. But in this story, he was the guy from the other side of the river seeing the rich girl. Naturally, a tragic premise. Julia died in a car crash and no one ever knew of their 'secret'..except her brother found out in a notebook she kept, and he gives it to Colt. So we get to see how the whole relationship came about, and he gets his driver's license and so on, trying to move on. Most anyone would have this read in one sitting. I'm half way through it. Its interesting. Although, I think the main character should wake up and know the importance of really being there for the other person. And wanting to be OK about everyone knowing that she was important to him. I like the main character. Of course, not sure I like Julia that much. I do love character driven stories. And in most of my stories, its the characters that are the most importance to the story. It makes me think a bit of something my friend Ellie had been writing in the beginning of her story with this character Kyle...who almost starts a relationship with the main character. It was funny, how some people hated his character, and others found him quite interesting. He was younger than the main character and rather flawed..perhaps a lot more flawed than either of these characters in the Secret Year. But Colt is younger than Julia.

I try to think back on some of my favorite characters in books. Naturally Holden from Catcher in the Rye. But I love Ponyboy and Johnny from The Outsiders  even more. Yet I so loved Wesley from Walk Across Egypt. Have you ever read a book and were afraid to finish it because you just didn't want it to be over? I felt that with Vast Fields of the Ordinary. I hated the ending. It just fizzled. Anyway, I'm sure I should read more, but I'd rather write. Unfortunately or fortunately. But, sometimes, I just can't help myself.

I did read rumor over the weekend of all the stuff coming up in Degrassi..or what the fans want to happen. Looks like Peter's character is on the brink of destruction. Yet another 'stalker' comes to Degrassi. ( I so loved Ephram Ellis even if he was the Degrassi shooter) This time  haunting Johnny(who almost could have stepped out of The outsiders, I suppose) and Ali since Johnny supposedly knew who stabbed TJ. I don't think he did it. Looks like Anya will mess up things with her boyfriend. And Alex House will be back as Tim to perhaps be Riley's new boyfriend at college. That's what fans are hoping for. As it was with Love Games episode, it started off kind of cute and Declan being such a romantic (in reality, this would have scared me and I would have thought he was just psycho). Anyway, he and Holly J hook up, but run into troubles with his Mom and some mentorship or something she's after. Then it was like his Mom was in control of his whole life. Which was kind of freaky. Like what is going on with these rich people? Although, it was a little unnerving..their scene behind the curtain during this school function going on. I'd never..OK, I made out in the auditorium once during lunch, but it was very dark in there..and it became an I'd never moment when I found out..we were not alone in the pitch black auditorium..other couples were there too. I know how could anyone be as nieve as me.

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