Epic - music review

OK, against my better judgment, I thought I'd chat about "Epic" the clean version of Blood on the Dance Floor's CD that came out this past October.

Its Halloween and you might feel like a RAVE, so you might want to add these guys to your playlist. Funny, I'm just not sure how 'clean' this version is. On Epic you get 21 songs of fun and fast electronic music. Add in almost a touch of a Metro Station flavor, some interestingly fun lyrics and a screamer and you've got yourself Blood on the Dance Floor.

Blood on the Dance Floor is a group from Orlando, Florida. The group currently includes vocalist Dahvie Vanity, ; Christopher Mongillo, who is a member of many other bands including Kthx and Saturday/Thursday, and screamer Garret Ecstasy. Past members include screamer Matty M.

BOTDF have released An Album entitled Let’s Start A Riot, a single called Save The Rave, a second album entitled It’s Hard To Be A Diamond In A Rhinestone World, have released another single entitled Suicide Club, another single called Siq With A “Q” and a radio edit album.

They can be described as electronic, powerpop, electro, dance, screamo. Or just call them Scene Kings. Emo Love. They fall in the likes of Jeffree Starr, boy talks trash, the medic droid and breathe carolina. Granted, they might not be everyone's cup of tea. Still, they have a sound you can move to, while others have a blast figuring out their lyrics.


It's Kind of a Funny Story - movie review


You have to be this or that, and if you pick one, other people hate you for it, and you can’t trust anyone anymore, because they’re all after the same thing, and you see that you can never go back to how it was before..and I didn’t want to be a part of it. I didn’t want to be a part of that world. -from the book It's Kind of a Funny Story


I'm so glad its in wide release now. Really, its a sweet story from none other than Ned Vizzini, which should be on everyone's top ten book list. Its contemporary and well, I think anyone can relate to it. Honestly.


Its a story about Craig, played by the most sincere Kier Gilchrist, and his sudden panic attack, that he has to do something before it becomes very real, his suicidal feelings. One time or another, I'm sure we have all been there. It just builds. Craig really is a smart and talented guy. Its just he can only see he's the one with the problem. No one else. So he checks himself in to the hospital. There is no time wasted that he meets Bob, played Zach Galifianakis who is rather hot this year in the movies. And he is of course, quite the character in this movie. He suffers from clinical depression too. But he shows him around. And Craig soon meets others who are worse off than himself. Suddenly, he doesn't think he's crazy anymore. But his parents think he needs to stay the week. Of course, he's worried about school. About what his friends will think if they find out.

And then he meets a girl. Well, she has her scars. But possibly not as many as the girl in the book. Emma Roberts does a fine job as Noelle. She's been in the psyche ward for 21 days. And she's near the end of her stay. Naturally, Bob has to help with this romance since he's avoiding his own life.

Really, the film is uplifting, although, it does show the sadness of drugs, stress, real life situations and mental illness. But there is a unique key ingredient to help us get through life. Creativity. I so loved the "under pressure" scene. Also, some amazing art work in the movie too.

 brian drucker

I'm very excited about this film. Its one of my favorite movies this year. I loved many of the performances by those in the hospital. And it was a very interesting cast choice for Craig's friends. Thomas Mann as Aaron and Zoe Kravitz as Nia. For many, young at heart, this will be a film they'll want for their DVD collection.


a short story by Ivy Parker

A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks.

Iona couldn't sleep. Maybe it was restless leg syndrome. Or the first graders from her class that annoyed her in her dreams. Maybe it was the jingle she could often hear in the middle of the dark night as a reminder that the janitor at school might be an axe murderer, like the other teachers at school told her.

Then she'd start to wonder. Were the doors locked? Would the cat try to get in their room? She did not like waking up with a furry Mane Coon on her chest.

"When you can't sleep. I can't sleep." Simple as that, her husband Max informed her. He told her about his stress too. There were college students who thought he had no business being at the community college as a professor. Wasn't he a has-been rocker? Who only had a few musical notes left on his chest as tattoos. No one took him seriously at song writing.

"And your point?" She needed more sleep than he did. She had children to worry over. She had real problems to deal with. These were little demons she had to deal with. She'd already been kicked in the shins and some little boy bit her butt. She did have on bicycle shorts under her jumper, at the time, so she hadn't came down with anything.

He said there was no need to fuss. While she prepared for a night that might end in disaster (one never knew how to exactly dress in case of a fire.. If she'd had armor she would have wore it.) Max wore nothing at all. He liked to be free when he slept.

"You always sleep." She insisted.

"I do not." But he didn't want to argue about it. He had other things on his mind. Like sex.

"No. no. no." She snapped. "That's all you think about. Isn't it?"

"And Cheetos. Pop tarts without frosting, and a good cheese mustard burger from Sonic." He smiled patiently.

Iona crossed her arms, laid there in bed.

"Fine." He rolled his back to her.

"You can't leave me alone like this." She was in a huff then. She looked at the clock. It was well after mid-night. The clock ticked-ticked-ticked.

"I'm right here? What is wrong now?" He didn't look back at her. She stared at the back of his thick head of hair. Iona took a deep breath and finally looked at the ceiling.

She felt something move the bed then. It wasn't Max.

"What was that?" She rose up on her elbows.

"It was you. What do you think?" Max just said without moving. He laid still.

Iona shuttered to think someone or something might be under the bed. She'd take a look. She sat at the edge of the bed.


"What?" Iona winced. Well, since he said that, she had too. She took a look under the bed. There were only dust bunnies.

"You know what you do, when you do that?" He said all monotone.

"What?" She winced.

"First its the broom. Then its the vacuum. You keep me up, all night with your freak'n cleaning." He rolled back and put his hands behind his head and watched her, standing there as if she needed to do this.

"You know, I hate housework." She was serious.

"Yes, I know." They had a sink piled with dishes and boxes of recyclables in the livingroom waiting for crafts to be made by 6 year olds. "Sometimes, I wonder if there could be two people inside you. The one who goes to work and this one that comes out, after midnight." He winced.

"Don't be silly." She swelled a frown.

"To bad you can't be a witch and you could turn me into a stead and ride me all night long." He let a laugh slip then.

"There you go again." She stood there with her arms crossed.

"I know. Sorry. Come back to bed. Just be calm. You'll see. Sleep might set in." He patted her side of the bed.

Iona would try to make an effort. She would.  So she laid next to him.

"Do you ever dream of her?" Iona looked at Max then.

"Not very often." Max slightly shrugged. "You mean the ghost?"

"No, Lady Gaga." Iona sighed. "Yes, the ghost." They'd both dreamed of the college student's murder that had to have happened in this very room 10 years ago or so. It was frightening to think how she,an slender African American girl with a wild afro, painted the walls with her own blood with one hand, a line streaked across the wall, before she died. It was ghastly.Of course, it was gone now. It gave Iona shivers, just imagining it. She looked in the twilight at the the empty wall.

"Is that why you can't sleep?" Max put his arm around Iona.

"Suppose." Iona wasn't certain. Maybe.

"I think she likes us." Max pushed his fingers through Iona's hair.

"How can you be so sure? We don't even know her name. We don't even know who killed her. No one seems to even know." Iona shivered slightly.

"I remember, how they made fun of you when you went to the library and even went down to the police station to ask about where we lived. They just said there had been a meth lab here. That's all." Max reminded her. He rubbed her back then. She was finally still. It was as if something was trying to catch her last breath or she was falling into something.

Iona's eye sprang open. She knew who was under the bed this time. Beneath the floorboards.

The game of Monogamy -music review

Here's a new CD you can find  from Saddle Creek Records (based here in Omaha) The game of Monogamy. Tim Kasher new solo effort, who sometimes plays with Cursive. I've been to a few of their concerts and well, they are fun. He is very close friends with Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes. They were school mates from Creighton Prep. One song of theirs together, you may remember, if you are of the indie music nature,  "nothing gets crossed out".

Unfortunately, Tim has had a few ups and downs in the last few years. He got married, moved to Portland Oregon. Then a bitter divorce came and he regrouped with Cursive. He's worked with his own band The Good Life, as well as many music projects with Cursive. Now he's back with his own project. The Game of Monogamy. He's definitely grownup since his high school days with Conor.

You will find a rather mature singer on this CD which came out October 5th. Kasher has moved around a lot these last few years. L.A. Back to Omaha and now Montana so he can seriously work on writing songs for Cursive, his other band and also screenplays.

Many of the songs are catchy. Strays starts out a little down and out, but uplifting too. I enjoyed many of these tunes. It made me wonder what they'd sound like if Conor had gotten a hold of them. Truly, Kasher has the better voice. He's also a fine guitarist, as well. I really felt many can probably relate to his song writing. Who knows, this playlist just might make it into an indie movie. Really, its great that he put such a thoughtful CD together.

pins and needles- music review


You may or may not be familiar with Birthday Massacre. If you've gone to one of their concerts then you've had a blast.
Rainbow is the lead guitarist

The band is from London, Ontario. They are considered synthrock. I have to admit I fell in love with their TO DIE FOR from their Walking with Strangers CD in 2008. Chibi who has been lead singer since the beginning, way back in 1999, is a bit 80's Kim Wilde and Aimee Mann kind of voice, but she takes her music down a dark road. Many a girl at their concerts, whether they are 48 or 8 will have those dark pig-tails and in black  with black lipstick, ready to sing along with each song she gives her audience.

This past September, they came out with their 4th CD. This is definitely something  the fans wanted. Some of it tends to blend together. Yet, I really thought they had a very strange and awesome beginning to the first track, In the dark. Some very cool sounds. But I have to admit I got into it by the time Pale started. But my favorite tracks were later, in Sideways, and Two Hearts.

If you are fan, its a must have. If you want some of their best work, I would go with Running with Strangers.

Birthday Massacre

Piano cover of "to die for"

Its the rocky horror picture show on glee

Keep Tuesday in mind. Its special. Chord Overstreet and the rest of the gang from Glee take the stage with a good time for everyone.

Can you tell..I can't wait to see him..hehehee...

100 monkeys

At first listen, you might think, what is this crap?

Well, Jackson Rathbone's band is no boy band. Yes sir, these guys are bringing in the funk and finding their own fan base. Granted, it might be the thought of the pretty one in the bunch bringing in the crowd. But he's just another one of the guys. The band is made up of Ben G. Ben J. Jack. J.Rad and Uncle who takes care of the percussion & even the saxophone. He isn't with the band all the time, but they learn a lot from this blues master. All contribute to the band.

If you go to one of their concerts you might see them throw instruments around and start playing. Taking the lead. No one knows when or where it'll stop. Its a rather improv venture. Last year the band had 100 cities on their tour around the states. This year they are hoping for 100 cities, internationally.

Their sound has a blues feel to it. They are pretty amazing musicians. You will sense the intensity of their music. They love what they do. And it shows. Its Jackson's other life. And of course, he's a true musician who can be seen setting up the band and breaking it down too.

Its a hard life being in a band. And honestly, you can see its his passion. Of course, you might have to wait it out. But you just might be getting into this band's music if you give it a try.

100 Monkeys

100 Monkeys YOUTUBE channel

Everything's coming up pumpkin

OK, so I heard Patrick Wolf's Pumpkin soup. It does make me think of this time of year. Thought I'd post the song.

The wind is moving in. Leaves are crisp, brighter and orange The clouds are getting darker. Work is done. Its time to think about baking. And of course, no one does it better that Paula Deen.



  • 1 (18 1/4-ounce) package yellow cake mix
  • 1 egg
  • 8 tablespoons butter, melted


  • 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 1 (15-ounce) can pumpkin
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 8 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 (16-ounce) box powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Combine the cake mix, egg, and butter and mix well with an electric mixer. Pat the mixture into the bottom of a lightly greased 13 by 9-inch baking pan.

To make the filling: In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and pumpkin until smooth. Add the eggs, vanilla, and butter, and beat together. Next, add the powdered sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and mix well. Spread pumpkin mixture over cake batter and bake for 40 to 50 minutes. Make sure not to overbake as the center should be a little gooey.

It gets better

Yesterday was the day to go PURPLE. Everyday, we should be more aware of our surroundings when it comes to bullying.

Just when one hopes that society is much more congenial to sexual orientation in our society..it seems we've taken a 180 degree turn backwards. We all come from different back grounds, and yet there is that universal sense that we still carry. Some might call it survival of the fittest.

One might consider just where the bully is coming from, occasionally. Is it possible they were ever the victim and they are only acting by what they know? There are lots of possibilities. And yes, we should know right from wrong. And we would love everything to be a text book scenario. Unfortunately, that's not the way the world works. 

Of course, I didn't start this about the bully. I have seen bullying from time to time at school. And it isn't pleasant to watch. Its hard to jump in and defend that person. But usually, if you're the crazy girl that everyone thinks might go off the deep end, well, it might just work.

Remember to scream and yell. Protest is the key. If it means getting a trip to the Principal's Office, it will be worth it. The fact is to get the word out. Don't hide it. If enough people know, maybe, just maybe the course of reality can be changed for one individual.

Just when things might feel hopeless and you never want to set foot outside again, there are others just like you. Don't give up. Be you. Nurture your creativity.

Mysterious Skin. Disturbing but a  movie that makes you think.

I'm glad Joseph Gordon Levitt's isn't afraid to make movies like this.

Altitude - movie review

Cory: I will myself to be awesome!

Altitude is a Canadian film that is kind of the horror genre. You've got teenagers on a plane flying to a Coldplay concert in Vancouver. The catch is one of them has already been in an airplane crash before. The plane crash that killed the pilot's mother who so happens to be beautiful and independent Sarah (Jessica Lowndes). Sort of this young Amanda Peet, who's a bit more sweet than any of Amanda's characters that I can remember, but she'd kind of a bitch. She was in the Haunting of Molly Hartley and a season of 90210(2008), as well.

I do have to admit the story was kind of lame, with its annoying beer drinking jerk (Sal) Jake Weary who's in the Fred Movie.

Its as if no one can think logically when a mysterious malfunction sends their small plane climbing out of control, a rookie pilot and her four teenage friends find themselves trapped in a deadly showdown with a supernatural force.

Yet, I did like the way the movie was shot. And I'm glad I got to see Ryan Donowho(famous for his bucket/drum playing on the subways, but last seen in BANDSLAM) in the movie. Honestly, it would have been better movie if his Cory and Landon Liborion's Bruce could have had a moment. But I guess it wouldn't have been horror then.

To me, horror is such a tough genre. It might have worked if perhaps they could have relied on each other more. While THE RUINS was an intense and suspenseful book, the movie was not so much. This movie has its moments. And if you so happen to be a fan of some the actors in the movie, you'll want to check it out. I heard it showed at the Screamfest in Hollywood. Some will get the TWILIGHT ZONE feel out of the movie. While others want a higher gore factor. The movie does have suspense. And everyone in the film definitely played their part.

Landon Liboiron

Degrassi's Declan has comeback with a much darker version of himself. He wants his girlfriend Holly J back. Money didn't do the trick the last time. True, their storyline got a little boring as the power couple on show. A lot like Blair and Chuck on Gossip Girl last season. We seem to enjoy watching them apart than together. Or is that just making up. The storyline is a bit tricky on Degrassi. Time will tell where it'll go. Meanwhile the actor, Liebier who plays Declan has been busy with movies and even Life Unexpected on the CW.

Landon Liboiron interview

Give Me Your Hand

Feeling like a French movie, anytime soon?

This movie came out in 2008 with new comers French Alexandre and Victor Carril. I have to admit they make me think a bit of hunky American Sean Farris.

Its the story of twins who hitch-hike across France to their mother's funeral in Barcelona. They have no money so they are bound to have an adventure or two. THIS IS NOT A GAY MOVIE. But, one get mixed up with a woman. The other finds happiness with a guy.

Basically, its about their experience of how they react to the other's encounter. Some might find it rather slow which some do with French movies. But if you are looking for scenery to watch, how they live on the other side of the world..well, the movie has plenty to offer. And identical twins. One at least has a slash on his eye-brow so you can tell them apart.

Tuesday night TV

All right, its a home run for me on Fox, Tuesday this fall. No telling how long that might last though. But at the moment...

It all starts with Glee and newcomer Chord Overstreet "Sam" is just irresistibly... so cute. And who knows..Kurt may have a chance with him, too. Along with that we are learning all sorts of things about last year's characters. Heather Morris' Britney is so quotable. And there is such girl drama. Boy drama. Sexuality preferences and the like. How do they squeeze it all in..in one hour, along with belting those show stoppers?

Afterwards, a must see show it Raising Hope. I had my doubts about this one. Kind of a redneck genre brought to you by the folks of My Name is Earl, but Martha Plimpton along with classic Cloris Leachman's Maw Maw bring it. And Lucas Neff is the perfect casting for the slightly miserable son who ends up with baby  Hope after a one night stand with a serial killer that was sent to the electric chair. Every week though, there is something that gets to you. Really, the show is redeeming, but I couldn't tell you exactly which part. You'd just have to watch.

Finally, Running Wilde. which is a crazy show brought to you by crazy Will Arnett. This was the show I had the most reservations about. (Arnett)A rich kid grownup who has no idea how the real world works but somehow finds his true love(Kerri Russell) who is trying to fix the world of its many plights. And her daughter Puddle(Stefania Owens) is the narrator of the show, who might be the smartest in the bunch. It is in the Arrested Development tradition. However, with new blood like Peter Serafinowicz as Fa'ad makes the show quite original.

Charlie MacDonnell

Who is that boy?

Well, it you are on the internet enough, you probably already know. He's just in his twenties and has already made his own path, world wide in a very genuine way. No, he's no emo boy trying to sale T-shirts. Seriously, he is easily to crush on. You just wish he had his own show. Thank God, for the Internet!

Charlie is in his 20's and is from Bath, Somerset but recently moved to London. This vlogger is a self proclaimed nerd and musican.

It wasn't until 2007 that this bloke got started on UK's You Tube. And he's been popular ever since. With his "Challenge Charlie", he has tons of subscribers to his channel. Which might be one of you. He even presented The Inbetweeners with an award back in June as part of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Television Awards. Yeap, that Charlie gets around. He's made an appearence on Lily Allen and Friends and the Gadget show.

Of course, there is a unique sense of humor about him, but he also does a lot of charity work with his music. Such as Chartjackers. A tune I bought on iTune to help Children in Need.  So catchy, I know a lot love this song. It made it up to number on on the UK indie charts.

Charlie MacDonnell You Tube

His Official website

photo credit

gigantic - tv review

OK...well, I stuck around after new Degrassi to see what this original Teen Nick show was all about. Definitely, not Nicolodian clown fare (thankfully). What is it? A half-hour dramedy that takes a fictional look at the glitzy, chaotic and often hilarious life of being a Hollywood "it" kid. Set in the world of the Hollywood elite packed with A-list parties and privilege, it tells a coming-of-age story infused with pop culture fame. It's not easy being teenagers growing up in the shadow of their parents' superstar status.
Grace Gummer as Anna

It stars Walt (Tony Oller) and Anna (Grace Gummer) as happy siblings of mega star parents. Really, they have been pretty much grounded and down under in the so called outback as of late, but come back to see their Hollywood pals. Granted Oller comes off as eye candy except he's so down right sincere on screen, you can't help but want to watch him. Gummer is more like a young wanna be Meryl Streep. Her character doesn't really go for style. She'd rather be writing. But there is this thing with Joey(Ryan Rottman..I hate his haircut, already) who wrote her real letters while she was away. And she's hoping it'll be the next best thing when they hook up.

But it gets juicy. Gossip girl-like in a not so Blair Waldorf way, holds all the cards. Gia Mantegna is Vanessa. And she lets Joey in on a little secret. His one night stand with a mutual friend of theirs equals baby. So yeah, Joey is in a tight spot with sweet and innocent Anna.

Really though its Maggie (Skyler Day) that stole the show for me. She plays along with Walt's character at some Big Time event. She works there and they kind of hook up. But he comes clean later and she's OK with that. She just leaves it..you can be who ever you want to be with me.

The show is based on the A-list. I'm just not sure Degrassi fans are going to hone in on this show. After all, many are busy tumbling tumblr with graphics after an episode of characters they are legioned too.

But the show does have a certain bite. I'm not sure all the actors will deliver in the show. But if you've been waiting forever to see Tony Oller in something or Skyler Day and even Gia Mantegna to get a steady drama each can savor. You might want to tune in to find out.

Dear Christie

A friend mention this group to me so I went to their my space and liked what I heard. They are out of Columbus, Ohio. A very sweet bunch of guys who really find a lot of heart in their music from their own personal stories with life and love. Hopefully, they are to play the WARPED tour in 2011. But I'm sure they will be playing somewhere.

Check out a Dear Christie Interview.

my generation


But ABC has already canceled it after 2 episodes. Just 2 episodes!

The show is like the documentary on the method of 10 students for 10 years(or like the documentary 10- 7ups). Except, of course, its scripted. It did give a very reality feel to it which of course we are all voyeurs these days with the Kardashians and the Bachelor Pad. This show was about what happened 10 years later to a group of students from Austin, Texas.

Of course, it starred Cloverfield's Michael Sthal-David who also made his mark in The Black Donnellys. Jamie King (who went by James King for awhile, but don't worry she didn't have a sex change or anything.) also starred in this as well.

The story ranges from the jock, the brain, the nerd and those in-between. Such an interesting cast. The show was slated for 8 episodes. Hopefully, they'll be ran on hulu.

For the first time I saw Keir O'Donnell's wonderful acting range. In most movies, like Mall Cop, he plays the bad guy, but in this show he was the sweet nerd who became elementary teacher. Keir was "Thomas on Lost"..but he should have played Ben in the younger years. Hey, Lost the Early days..doesn't that sound good..=D

Armie Hammer

Armie with the Winklevoss twins

Doesn't that sound like the perfect name for a porn star? Armie Hammer.

Well, he definitely stole many scenes in The Social Network as the Winklevoss twins. At 6' 5 '' he played both parts. And his scenes are so worth watching. In real life the twins went to the Olympics in rowing. They were duped (or some may say and wonder) by the founder of Facebook. Of course, its quite a gray area. Anyway, the twins did all right and they approve of the movie.
Thought to have an Oscar nom for his part in THE SOCIAL NETWORK

Armie is short for Armand. He's been said to be the new Captain America. You might remember him as one of many Serena's love interest on Gossip Girl. He does have that all American Frat boy look about him. And such a cool voice, as well. He certainly had some of the best lines in The Social Network. I also though he was pretty cool as "Morgan" in the TV show Reaper. He's married to Elizabeth Chambers.

Gabriel on Gossip Girl

Tony Oller

This Friday Teen Nick puts on an orginal. GIGANTIC. Just a 30 minute drama. Guess our attention spans aren't long enough for an hour. Even though once you are hooked on the 30 minute drama stories of Degrassi, you are hooked and back to watch the same episodes again and again. Thus that's why TV marathons  are very important on Teen Nick.  So who knows, this just might be the everyone's.

What could this show possibly be about?

Storyline: A half-hour dramedy that takes a fictional look at the glitzy, chaotic and often hilarious life of being a Hollywood "it" kid. Set in the world of the Hollywood elite packed with A-list parties and privilege, it tells a coming-of-age story infused with pop culture fame. It's not easy being teenagers growing up in the shadow of their parents' superstar status, and "Gigantic" skewers the celebrity machine while exposing the humanity and comedy beneath the glamour of Tinseltown. With an insider look behind the tabloids and gossip blogs, it features an ensemble cast that includes: 17-year-old Anna (Grace Gummer) and her younger brother Walt (Tony Oller), both kids of a famous movie star couple; their best friends Piper (Jolene Purdy) and Finn (Malcolm Kelley); frenemy Vanessa (Gia Mantegna) and Anna's boy crush with a big secret Joey (Ryan Rottman).

This should be right down Tony Oller's alley. Groomed on Disney. Starred with many Disney starlettes, dated them and was on As the Bell Rings. He's definitely got the Justin Bieber look. Plus an irresistible smile and perfect nose. He might be all it takes to make Gigantic a hit. I won't say its quite Gossip Girl quality. However, the show is written by Dave Holstein who has written a couple of episodes of Weeds and University of Andy.

Anyway, make sure to have Tony on your radar.

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