The game of Monogamy -music review

Here's a new CD you can find  from Saddle Creek Records (based here in Omaha) The game of Monogamy. Tim Kasher new solo effort, who sometimes plays with Cursive. I've been to a few of their concerts and well, they are fun. He is very close friends with Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes. They were school mates from Creighton Prep. One song of theirs together, you may remember, if you are of the indie music nature,  "nothing gets crossed out".

Unfortunately, Tim has had a few ups and downs in the last few years. He got married, moved to Portland Oregon. Then a bitter divorce came and he regrouped with Cursive. He's worked with his own band The Good Life, as well as many music projects with Cursive. Now he's back with his own project. The Game of Monogamy. He's definitely grownup since his high school days with Conor.

You will find a rather mature singer on this CD which came out October 5th. Kasher has moved around a lot these last few years. L.A. Back to Omaha and now Montana so he can seriously work on writing songs for Cursive, his other band and also screenplays.

Many of the songs are catchy. Strays starts out a little down and out, but uplifting too. I enjoyed many of these tunes. It made me wonder what they'd sound like if Conor had gotten a hold of them. Truly, Kasher has the better voice. He's also a fine guitarist, as well. I really felt many can probably relate to his song writing. Who knows, this playlist just might make it into an indie movie. Really, its great that he put such a thoughtful CD together.

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