another Taylor

This Taylor was ripped way before your Taylor from Twilight. And he's been in the way of The Covenant which may or may not have given him much credit to acting. But some of us could watch that movie for so many other reasons than plot, and he's the eye candy ploy as to why, no doubt.

Never the less, Taylor Kitsch has shown he's worth his weight in talent from being on the critically acclaimed Friday Night Lights. You gotta love his Tim. Wayward, stoic, the man boy who just couldn't stay away from the bottle who is back in the last few episodes that NBC will give us this summer of the small town football series. I've fallen in love with the show. Mainly because of Tim. He's grown so much since 2006 as a person. He's  more than a shirtless prize on the show. His Tim has heart. He is the beauty and the beast of the show.

Back in 2002 he went to New York City to learn the craft of acting from the world renowned acting coach Sheila Gray. It paid off. He was the it boy soon with movies like Snakes on a Plane, The Covenant and X-Men. But there is life after the teen years. And it goes to show, he is a man's man. Most definitely.

His upcoming projects you can soon find him in are The Bang Bang Club, John Carter of Mars (he's Carter in this one BTW) and Battleship.

There has been rumor of a Gambit film from the X-Man saga since he was Gambit, well..shouldn't he be in the lead? There are still those who don't think he has it to be the lead. Hopefully, his other projects will show he can go the extra mile at the box office. We need a hero in film, and I think he just might be up for the taking. He is one to watch for.

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