Fiction Tuesday

Angry Young Man - by Chris Lynch

Its been said Lynch gets straight to the point in this short Young Adult novel. Publisher Weekly says, "For those who wonder about the roots of homegrown terror and extremism, National Book Award Finalist Lynch pushes the spotlight from the individual to society in a story that can be brutal and ugly, yet isn't devoid of hope."

Storyline: Alexander grew up constantly overshadowed and relentlessly, if good-naturedly, teased by his older brother, Robert, whose first-person narration provides the window into this complex sibling relationship. Both brothers take classes at the community college and fret about their single mother’s financial straits, but Robert is the more responsible brother, and Xan the wildcard. Xan finally finds an outlet for his frustrations and inability to connect when he falls in with a group of young activists, who justify their frighteningly extremist means with questionably beneficial ends. As a loan shark hounds the family and hints of violence whisper in, Robert wonders what his brother is really capable of. Lynch cuts to the quick during this short novel. He shows how two brothers can be a part of a sibling relationship but have drastically different interpretations of it. And Robert’s voice displays the claustrophobia of uncertainty about the forces that threaten the family even as he dwells on how he could have done better by his brother. It rings true, and hurts, at that.. --Ian Chipman

 The novel brings up questions that you might ask yourself, how would you handle it ..if your sibling were out of control. What would it take to make a drastic change? This book brings a lot to your attention about this sort of behavior that seems to be in our society more than ever, these days.  You might also find his INEXCUSABLE a worthy read, as well. His books are very character driven.

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