Thor - movie review

Who else could play that legendary champion, as old as time? God knows, he's got the accent for it..and the body. Yes, I got what I came for, plenty of screen time with Chris Hemsworth. I had no idea that Kenneth Branagh directed it (He does give the film heart) and ...Anthony Hopkins plays Thor's King Dad Odin (Ever so beautiful and wisely). And even more surprises to come.

I saw the film in 3D. You don't have too, but it was fun in 3D.
I'm a Tom Hiddleston fan now!
Her Darcy makes Science fun. I was hoping she'd hook up with Fandral (I know a complete stretch of the imagination!)

I had no idea how fun Kat Dennings' Darcy would be, either. But she was quite a scene stealer in the film. Also Tom Hiddleston (he's in the AVENGERS too), which many may not be familar with, was so intense as Thor's wayward brother, Loki. Of course, you'd want a dark and complicated Loki who didn't even know he was the adoptive son of Odin. All these secrets. Add Thor's circle of warrior friends and you've got a war or something on the way with those frosty foes of theirs. As Thor tells Jane, "I live in place where science and fantasy are one..." Well, something along that line.

See, its a bit complicated. These different realms and worlds. But later, Thor explains all to Jane played by our wonderful Natalie Portman. Possibly, it was a little to late, but none the less..explained. You just have to wait for it. There is also things happening on earth too, with Jane and Darcy gathering scientific information of stuff falling from the turblant clouds. And the feds are on to them, lead by Clark Gregg as Agent Clouson. Even a cameo of Jeremy Renner and the voice of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. And if you look really close (but you might miss him) Stan Lee is somewhere in the epic movie.

HONORABLE MENTION: Josh Dallas as Fandral!

Granted the film is rather long. The special effects are definitely coming at you. Chris' Thor is very likable. He is perhaps a little hot headed, but this is a tale where the hero learns a little bit about himself when he's banished to earth. This is definitely a popcorn movie. It will not go to waste during this film. Its fun. And well, plenty of eye candy for boys and girls and those in-between with Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman. Some might find the action scenes a bit of a blow, but still, there is definitely plenty of action.  Of course, the ending lingered..waiting for a sequel..I hope.


STORYLINE: The powerful but arrogant warrior Thor is cast out of the fantastic realm of Asgard and sent to live amongst humans on Earth, where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.

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